Since my previous problem in the last blog post, our family has decided to make;
The Solemnization Day (Rumah Nenek)
a) Guest:
to invite more people, dalam 100 seperah (400 pax) mainly for distance relatives, orang kampung, and sahabat handai yang tak boleh nak datang on other day.
b) Acara:
Selepas akad nikah, buat sanding kecik with tepung tawar. Bunga telur, aku kena beli lagi another 50 pieces just for the day. i don't think sampai 100 org nak tepung tawar pengantin, kan? @_@
The other accessories macam set merenjis, mak dah beli kat jalan TAR, then bunga pahar, pinjam Cik Su punya.
c) Attire:
Dalam process. For the whole day maybe masih pakai baju nikah tu. Kalau ada rezeki lebih, boleh ganti baju. Hmm...baju apa ek? i like songket~! Tengokla kalau boleh sewa.
d) Pelamin :
Gosh...i'm planning to DIY my own pelamin. Nikah guna bantal je kan? Then the pelamin for sanding kecik, will try to ketuk-ketuk, gergaji gergaji sendiri. ^^;;; Stage boleh re-use my Tunang punya stage. Nak save budget katakan...Uuu...sapa ada kerusi bangku 2-seater 2nd hand?? LOL.
Bahan-bahan that i need to get; plywood tebal, kain, etc.
Persandingan / Reception Day (Hotel Grand ***** - Not confirmed, tgh cari cheaper alternative)
a) Guest:
Dalam 200 pax. Close relatives, close friends, parent's colleagues, Dad's close friends, VIPs, etc.
b) Acara:
Nyohohoho~~ macam persandingan la...i even drag my bridesmaids to do something...:P
Will get my sister to sing, aku pun nak. :P Potong cake, makan nasik temuan, etc. i actually wanted to ask my cosplay friends to do cosplay skit if possible. Please do contact me if you want.
c) Attire:
Dalam process. Uuuu...designer cakap my french lace tak kena tambah another panel. More $$$ burnt... But for the groom's attire, i dunno nak bagi Yabuki pakai baju melayu pahlawan tu ke or suit. Hmm... maybe suit la kot...Since the theme is English Vintage.
d) Pelamin:
Kalau la aku banyak duit, aku nak buat sendiri. Hohoho~~ tapi rasanya aku takde tenaga yang cukup nak buat itu, right now tengah cari Bridal Shop yang harganya affordable. Serious kena cari yang harganya dlm RM2k sebab duit pelamin dah terpotong because of we'll be doing the event in a hotel. :/ Faham-faham je lah.
Adoi...memang planned nak buat Nikah day kecik2 je...but since tak jumpa hall yang besar, kena divide to this day. Takpe, maybe ada hikmah disebaliknya.
Stephenie pernah tanya, kenapa tak upah Bridal Shop je buat? Memang plan to pun...but the quotation memang super high! Went to this shop before, memang serious cantik and artistic, but they asked for RM10k!!! With reason, "Orang lain sik pernah makey plamen camtok!". Memang la sik pernah...but with that price, i don't think i want to splurge everything just on one day and can't keep all those in my possession. So i think that amount is quite ridiculous for me. i know how to ukur baju dekat badan sendiri. Not to say that i'm stingy but i'd prefer to spend RM10k for my honeymoon, or decorating my future home. Reasonable enough?
So, if anyone have any suggestions about Bridal Shops in Kuching doing affordable package/pricing with contemporary designs, please contact me yeah? :) Thanks!