Last year in August, i went for an ultrasound scan in one of the well-known private hospital in Kuching. Well, most of my close friends would knew that i have a very bad menstrual pain since school. At first, the specialist was kinda...made a laughing face as if i was mengada-ngadakan cerita sakit sampai mintak scan. Siap boleh tanya lagi macam-macam such as how did i know when i supposed to have my ovulation time, my period due and got something inside my lower abdomen. Like come on lah doctor~! We studied science in form 3 la...normal period cycle is usually 28 days...ovulation usually came out on 14th day...and stuff. And now there are lots of Apps in Android market to check and remind you about your important dates. Shesshh...
Ok, then the doctor did an ultrasound scan on me...she was shocked to see that there IS a cyst on my right ovary with measurement of 6.4cm x 6cm. Then, she didn't bother to check my left side because she said, "Yang ni jelas, sebelah sana tak jelas. Jadi we have to do surgery buang yang ni."
By this time, she did some explainations, but when hati aku dah kecik disebabkan dia macam memperlekehkan aku mula-mula tadi, aku buat-buat angguk je.
Then, keesokkan hari nya aku pegi normal klinik yang ada lady doctor lagi. Nak tanya second opinion. Did another scan, but i told her about the right ovary as what i knew. Oh my~ nasib baik ada doc ni...she explained nicely and even showed me why i'm having period pain that caused by the cyst. Dier cakap, just monitor the cyst by doing scans every 3 months. If takde perubahan in size, you tak perlu surgery, but if it grows...better remove it in case of cancer.
For a few months, risau jugak aku...
But since aku habiskan masa kat Sibu, tak terjenguk jugak my appointments with private hospital tadi.
Ada jugak aku pergi rawatan urutan traditional kat Sibu...but aku jadi takut since dia suka nak urut-urut perut. Nenek aku larang urut-mengurut perut ni kot-kot rahim lari unless you're bidan yang dah fasih. Lagipun, aku tak puas hati cara dia mengurut. Makin tension kepala aku sebab dia main tonyoh-tonyoh and mulut jampi ntah apa ntah...and dia claim kalau aku selalu berubat with her, aku boleh pregnant. Aku jawab, "InsyaAllah" and dia cakap lagi, "Betul non...kakak urut boleh buat orang mengandung." Hmm...terer bebenor jugak ye akak ni?
Then, bulan October ke November? Tak ingat...aku ajak encik suami jumpa doctor specialist Henry Toh. He is a great doctor! Dier ni bukan specialist in Gynaecology, but very wise man indeed. Dier pakar jantung & physicist. He did a scan on me, and guess what...he managed to find a few other cysts in both ovaries! Then he suspected yang aku ada dermoid cyst (sila google sendiri) sebab dalam gambar scan tu, memang nampak 'solid mass' inside. Hebat la Dr. Henry!!! Aku salute! Terus dier referkan aku to kawan dier, the gynaecologist Dr. Elizabeth Ting kat area Hospital Rajang.
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Scans from Dr. Henry Toh. Above: Cysts on Right Ovary. Below: Cyst on Left Ovary. |
Hari yang sama jugak, both of us pegi klinik Dr. Ting...dier pun cakap memang perlukan surgery...and all i know that she is one of the best gynaecologist in Sarawak yang terror dalam Laparoscopic surgery. However, since she have to teropong the inside first, then baru boleh determine to take out the cyst terus or kena normal surgery because of size and etc. She planned to do the surgery dalam next few days, but aku and husband yang masih shocked mintak tangguh dulu. Then we asked to mintak GH je buatkan because of budget wise...Sorry sangat-sangat. If kitorang mampu memang nak ambik Dr. Ting. :)
Then, on December, kitorang balik Kuching to meet up with Dr. Azah...wah...dah berapa byk opinion daa...
But overall, semua suruh operate because of size. Suspected that i have Endometriosis as Dr. Azah buat refer letter to SGH and dier terus buatkan appointment at Gynae clinic on 6th January. She suggested for Dr. Haris but susah jugak la nak dapat doc tu sebab he's one of the best in Laparoscopy as well.
Anyway, mostly semua doctor tak boleh nak kesan the other cyst kat sebelah kiri ovary aku. Yang nampak just sebelah kanan je. So, on 6th, dapat jugak aku buat appointment with Dr. Haris. After tanya some soalan...dier terus tetapkan surgery on 17th January. Terkesima jugak la aku & husband. Sebab tak sangka dapat cepat macam tu. Nasib aku dapat awal sebab kes serius and ada orang cancel kan surgery that time. But i'm kinda sad jugak...sebab aku tak boleh nak kerja masa CNY...which is my yearly income... :(
But takpe...duit boleh dicari...kesihatan comes first, right? usaha kami suami isteri untuk mendapatkan anak...yelah...Cysts tu dua-dua block ovum untuk keluar ke fallopian tube. So doakan semoga takde lagi masalah lain...
See you in next post. :)
tkejut mek baca. gney? dah operate? insya Allah mim, d mana ada kemahuan, ada usaha, adalah rezeki diberik Allah. cepat or lambat, Allah yg tentukan. semoga cpt sembuh & sihat slalu dpt kta roger2. hehe..
get well soon!
Insya Allah rezeki baby akan menyusul after all done k..
Semoga semuanya berjalan dgn lancar and ktk cepat sembuh
Thank you semua~~ Aminnn... ^_^
Sebb period pain teruk dpt kesan. Nasib baik awal kan. Aku xde period pain. Skrg ni pun tgh tgu baby.dh dua tahun jgk la tgu.
Hanie > Cyst ni normal dikalangan wanita...byk types...kadang2 org yang takde period pain pun ada...but yg cyst normal boleh 'disappear' dgn sendirinya. Or, doc prescribe pil hormon utk kecikkan. Pegi la jumpa doctor sakit puan...mintak buat scan.
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