When we got back home...i saw the same bird, hid itself behind some paint barrels at the same place. So we brought it back upstairs and gave it some rice & grains with clean water and put it in a box with cloth. It looked kinda exhausted.
Then, this morning it disappeared! It was weird because there was no open doors or windows. After awhile when i'm about to wash something, i was shocked to see the bird flapped its' wings out from the kitchen sink.
Yada yada yada...managed to snap a few pictures and posted them up on Facebook to know what species the bird is, and what kind of food do they eat.
Made some research from Google, hubby said it probably a Common Bulbul, but nope! It didn't look the same...maybe a different kind of Bulbul? It does look like a Richard's Pipit anyway, but with darker accent at the head, back, feet and tail. And the chest part really look like normal House Pipit.
From the way it flew, i guess either the legs are broken or maybe problem inside tummy? Haha~ i really don't know! But it can't fly high, and the legs are kinda weak to grab something slippery (but it grabbed my hands quite strong), sometimes even turtled over.
So, we just left it wander around the kitchen with the window and door opened...Sometimes it sang...maybe after hearing other birds outside...Maybe its' family were looking for it. :/
It went to perch on the high boxes, on the cabinet, on the plates, and even on the Sushi King teacups!
Then it tried to fly again around the living room and knocked itself to the window-door panel. Ouch! And it 'peng-ed' on the floor for a few seconds. D: Poor bird!
It was quite scared with humans i guess. When i tried to hold it in my hands, it was kinda crying as if i'm going to do something bad. :(
So i just leave it in front of the kitchen's door and let it see the outside.
Took a few pictures again for references because i really don't know what type of bird it is.
Maybe it's a local bird, or maybe an immigrant? Called Grandma up and told her the preferences (Grandma really likes birds and own lots of them before) and she said it might be a "Pipit Belanda" as what the orang kampung always called them.
It was quite a photogenic one i must say! Very handsome! And sometimes remind me of an eagle's proud face. But at some angle it look kinda angry. *Angry Birds joke*
How the body look like...
This guy really likes to strike a pose.
The chest pattern. Sorry, picture quite blur. See the feet? Looks bengkok kan?
The side wings.
Upper part : head, beak, eyes, feathers.
The legs.
The back & tail part.
So yeah...we just left it there...spent some times watching husband playing 'Heavy Rain' on PS3, and when i looked at the kitchen door, the bird was gone! Tried to find it again...but this time i guess it really managed to fly back home. *is trying to be optimistic*
i really hope that bird will be okay and healthy again, InsyaAllah. :)
Wah. Byknya burung. Eh gambar burung. Sygnya kmk bukan penauk hal burung. Huhuhu sikda gk d rumahlah brg ya tek?
haha! kmk baca 'brg' as barang. at first rasa cam, "aih...pengempang juak nunggahnya barang." then terperasan yg shortform burung pun brg juak. ahahahaha!!
aok...sekda agik...kmk rasa lah?
sbb xdengar pun bunyi chirp chirp lam dapor.
takut na juak nya gugok agik eh...kaktok nangganya...
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