Saturday, February 26, 2011


Dear Zati,

i pray that everything will be smooth & at ease! Semoga Allah s.w.t. memperlancarkan segala majlis & preparation anda. =)


p/s: Oh, dirik nanyak hal Penview nak owh? Tok post lamak regarding Penview. :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Budget Wedding?

Assalammualaikum readers! ^_^

Right now i am veeeerrrryyyy excited!! One of my bridesmaids is going to tie a knot with her beloved boyfriend! Congratulations!!!

But it is kind of a sudden for her as this wedding is initially suggested by both families asking them to get married before both continuing their studies far away from home. So, she is very concern about her budget and also the preparations!

What i can suggest from her, don't get carried away with buying or renting anything without doing a survey. Borrow from friends and families if they have something that you can use. :) And, do lots of DIY stuff if you have time to make it more exciting! :D

This wedding probably only initiated to have a simple Akad Nikah Ceremony /Solemnization with a small kenduri doa selamat at home. Whether to have a Persandingan (Reception) on the next day of Akad Nikah or maybe in a few months ahead, will be confirmed after the Merisik ceremony.

In my opinion, it is best to do Akad Nikah first. When you do have enough savings to do the reception, go get it! :D

So now, i'm going to help her finding the best Budget Hantaran idea for the sweet couple!
People always talk about Hantaran war...5 vs 7, 7 vs 9, and more... so, how to make the hantaran look grand but with cheaper cost? :D

Trick number 1: Separate the items
Trick number 2: Borrow new things from family or from your own closet! (just for the sake of showing off on the dulang. :P)

For my dear friend, i suggest that you can use 5 (to girl) vs 7 (to guy) hantarans. :)

Hantaran for Him (with budget)
  1. Wedding ring & Potpouri deco (Budget: This one, up to you)
  2. Work shirt. (Budget: RM50 and below)
  3. Necktie, Socks, Belt, Cuff-links, Pen - choose 2 or more within budget. (Budget: RM50)
  4. Prayer mat & Al-Quran & any knowledge doa books. (Budget: RM50)
  5. Shoes (Budget: RM50 or more? Up to you too!)
  6. Cake or Special food that you or your family cooked. (Budget: less than RM50)
  7. Fruits (RM20)
(Other things you might be interested : Kain pelikat, towel, perfume, men skincare, slack pants, kain songket, baju melayu, etc~)
Total cost: Around RM270 and above.

Hantaran for Her (with budget)
  1. Wedding ring & Sirih Junjung (Budget: Up to him)
  2. Baju kurung or unsewn material/cloth (Budget: Below RM80 or above)
  3. Telekung & Al-Quran (Budget: RM50 or more)
  4. Shoes (Budget: RM50)
  5. Chocolates (RM30)
Total cost: Around RM210 and above.

And i am sure someone in your family or friends will help you in donating something as hantaran gifts like in my Engagement! :D

*joke* You can also put on your new laptop. lol.

How about the Hantaran decoration? Ya know what...? Since all of us are creative, we can work something out. ;) Don't forget that i did everything DIY on my hantaran as well! :P

Now, about your outfit...Custom-made vs Ready-made vs Rent.

  • Custom made, you have to buy the materials & send to tailor. Made to fit with your body and your own fave materials. :D Budget wise it will cost around RM400 & more. And time-consuming. i had this one, and they're all over budgeted. ;_;

  • Ready made, need some times to survey. Hard to find your type of materials & your exact fitting, but you can always alter it. Budget wise are varies...usually RM150 and above for simple design + an OK quality. And RM300 and above for branded.

  • Renting...this one...not bad as well for those who are lazy to go find stuff or does not want to keep extra clothes inside their wardrobe...but! The renting fee is mostly almost the same when you buy a ready-made ones. Besides, you can't wear the same Baju Kurung & Baju Melayu Nikah for your first Hari Raya as husband and wife. :P

What say you? Which one is better? :)

For make-up & accessories, i'd suggest you to hire Make-up artist. Hehe~~


My Henna by Ah Siaw (Lim Kok Wing student)

Inai! Just go for a simple inai lah~ :P Or i can help you draw. If you dare.. XD
I suggest you to buy 'Jit's Henna' from the old steamship building at Kuching Waterfront. Beautiful colour! i used that and oh boy~! i still have my henna visible on my nails even it's already 4 months old! Price RM5 each. For simple henna (hujung jari), 1 packet is enough for both couple. :)


We'll talk more in the next post, mates~!
Don't forget to give ideas by commenting and help my friend out! XD


Idea from Ann Amalina : "One of my friend used the Cadbury Dairy Milk miniatures for her hantaran. She bought 2 packs for around RM14, then asked one of her aunts to built a 'mosque' from them!"

- See? More cheaper option! XD Thank you so much, Ann!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lovely Korean Stationaries!

Most of the people know that i'm a sucker for cute stuff.
Ordered these 'Korean' babies from Lowyat forum (well, excluded the PS3 joystick)~

Well, i actually bought one Cats stickers sheet & one Tinky Weekly Planner (a small pink planner with a cute white cat for the cover) for Chihiro's birthday and hoping that she'll use that planner wisely for her incoming SPM. But in the end she said she doesn't want to use it because it is too cute and wished that i have given something more like a planner + notes. D:
Oh nowadays really are.........................meh. =_=

Aaaaaaniway! i bought two of these pens; 1 for myself, and another one also for Chihiro.

But sadly, the plastic bow in pink colour for Chihiro is broken in two pieces. D:

And now...introducing the cutest diary i every had! XD
It is from the Korean company called Jetoy.
The name of this diary is "Choo Choo Show - Circus".

Cover: Cute cat!! Nyaaaaann~!!

The first page.

The yearly plan section.

A few pages inside:

The free notes section:

The last page for you to fill in your personal details.

The back cover.

*Happy happy*
i love every characters inside the diary; the cats, the pigs, the baboons, the monkeys, and the chihuahua. =3

Let see another Jetoy's item that i bought...
It's a sticker book! It has 6 sheets of stickers inside; 3 transparent type and 3 with white paper type. Actually this book is a defected item. So i got them at a cheaper price. :)

The stickers:

Suitable for couples!

Lots of activities...

Characters in cute costumes (cosplay? xD).

Even though i have the Choo Choo diary, but i decided that i'm going to use this one that i got from Hubby. Well, it's a free one from one of the biggest company in Sibu.

i'm not really a good decorator to be compared with most Japanese and Korean who made their diary or planner super cute bling-bling! But i had fun and at least my planner won't look so dull and plain. :P

My 1st Wedding Anniversary note!

Sister's birthday & Parents' 28th Wedding Anniversary on the 7th October.
My husband's birthday & our 9th 'Together' Anniversary on 27th October.
(And oh, Miss Zaty's birthday on the 6th. :P)

And, the last's the stickers' cover-booklet. You can cut and use this as your Paperdoll. i am sure that we have paperdolls when we're younger, no? :P Ohh...sweet memories!


See you in the next post! ^^
Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and goodnight! Oyasumi!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More guides...

Dear Miss Nurul,

Please kindly refer to my previous post as well from here about Merisik & here about Solemnization/Nikah.
All the best my dear friend. InsyaAllah, everything will be fine! :D

More 'Wedding Rings' options, you can try surveying at old goldsmith shops and ask for 'Suasa'.
Grandma suggested the one next to old Post Office, and you might as well want to go to the shops inside the Carpenter Street. :) And don't forget to haggle! XD

Tips: Pegi awal pagi and tunggu until sidak bukak kedei...Time ya if you're the first customer, boleh mintak discount kaw-kaw!!

My Nikah budget

Khas for someone. ;D

Nampaknya i forgot to post about my Nikah budget last year! Yalah tek...too busy, and yet after nikah, rasa cam bergerek lam sorgaaa...hahahaha!!

  • Baju Kurung - rahsia sbb harga melampaui budget. ;_;
  • Baju Melayu - sik ingat! but siap time hantaran waktu tunang.
  • Keringkam - Mak sponsor. :D
  • Earrings - pinjam from Mak.
  • Songket - Mak sponsor juak.
  • Cincin - Bought both from Habib Jewels, The Spring. For him, a suasa ring, mine diamond white gold ring. Beli time Sale ok? :P
  • Kasut white with studs- RM70 from Sg Wang, KL.
  • Kasut Valentino Rudy for men - RM100+ from Parkson, The Spring.
  • Inai - RM85 (both hands) from Ah Siaw.
  • Hand bouquet - RM80 (Totally worth it! Recommended buy at Orchid Garden's florist, next to Pusat Kanser Kanak-kanak, across Saberkas, Perodua, & church. Other landmarks: Sarawak Government Hospital, tanah perkuburan cina.)
  • Pelamin - RM1000 (no comment. not my type)
  • Sheep fur - Pinjam from husband's aunt. To cover kerusi pelamin yang nauzubillah jaik...
  • Pulut untuk adat memotong - Buat sendiri! Add up with pink food colouring (RM6).
  • Mini cupcakes - RM30+ for 60pcs. Bought from Mita Cake House, Satok.
  • Bekas meletak Pulut & cupcakes - RM60+ from Home & Living, The Spring.
  • Make up - RM120 from Idaman Rahim.
  • Bunga telur - RM120
  • Wedding favours - Sik ingat...tapi mek orang berik sweets in the pouch jak. Pouch dalam 20cents sigek.
  • Kenduri makan & drinks - masak sendiri...RM5k for 290 seperah..... family dari kampung banyak datang bah. ^^;;
  • Khemah - sik ingat.
  • Karaoke - sendiri punya!
  • Photographers - kawan-kawan sendiri. :D
  • Videographers - kawan bapak.
  • Saguhati for Tok Kadi - dalam RM100? ._.
  • Saguhati for Saksi - each RM50? (actually saguhati depends ngan kemampuan...faham bah orang...)
  • Misc (zikir, corsages, decorations, etc) - RM2k.

Anything else, ntahlah...dah sik ingat...mok bukak diary lamak... hehe.
i always wanted a 'Budget Wedding' but sik dapat nak ekot semua because you have to decide together with your family. Buangkan apa yang sik perlu, timbang-timbangkan apa yang perlu.
The best thing is, you have to haggle alot to get cheaper price for stuff. :) Banyakkan survey before you buy.

Panduan Proses untuk anda Kawen!

Ditujukan buat someone. ;)

Mengikut adat istiadat orang Melayu Sarawak (well, at least apa yang aku tauk lah) , ada 3 - 5 proses dalam perkahwinan. :D Aku dah melalui kelima-lima proses ni, so nak share-share kat sapa-sapa yang nak melangsungkan or saja nak gain more knowledge. ^^

Jom kita tengok...

  1. Merisik
  2. Bertekol
  3. Bertunang
  4. Nikah
  5. Sanding

First, Merisik. Proses untuk family pihak lelaki pergi berjumpa ibu-bapa pihak perempuan menanyakan si gadis sudah berpunya kah belum. Sekiranya belum, pihak lelaki akan memberitahu hajat untuk menyunting bunga di taman (yerrr...bahasa skema) dan memperkenalkan si empunya yang bakal disatukan dengan si gadis. Even though most people nowadays skipped this tradition as the both of the lovers' family already known each other, but it would be nice or 'manis' if the parents meet each other and talk. Mengeratkan silaturrahim bah... Furthermore, they can discuss bila tarikh untuk bertekol (jika ada) or/and bertunang.

Second, Bertekol. Proses yang lebih kurang sama dengan bertunang, not requiring any wang hantaran or barang hantaran/gifts, tetapi pihak keluarga lelaki datang ke rumah hanya menghantar sebentuk cincin (selalunya emas belah rotan) dan duit 'buka mulut' berjumlah RM50 (or seikhlas hati). Selalunya ada jamuan dan baca doa kecil-kecilan. This proses, in my opinion...macam...meletakkan reservation or pre-deposit (sik bermaksud nak polah bunyinya macam barang, but in kata yang paling simple, kira camyalah). Sort of like... "Aku CHOP dolokkk!!! Tunggu aku ngumpol duit baruk mek org bertunang/kawen!!". Dalam masa ni jugak, ada yang terus menetapkan tarikh untuk mengikat pertunangan dan jumlah wang hantaran.

Third, Bertunang. Proses yang dilakukan besar-besaran di Sarawak. Haha! Somehow macam kenduri kawen pun ada. Mungkin kat Sarawak, usually yang buat meriah-meriah sebab tempoh pertunangan yang agak lama sebelum bernikah. Well, it depends on how the family want it to be; yang grand, or simple. :) Terpulang kepada budget anda. Tepuk dada, check pocket, tanya selera (anda dan keluarga anda). In this process, pihak lelaki akan menghantar sebentuk cincin berlian, wang 'buka mulut' (usually dalam RM80), wang hantaran (full amount or half, where the other balance will be paid during Majlis Nikah kelak), and barang hantaran. Barang hantaran termasuklah pakaian, perhiasan, makanan, etc. Ramai di Sarawak cuma menghantar barang hantaran ini sekali sahaja hanya pada majlis pertunangan untuk mengelakkan pembaziran. Selalunya di Sarawak, ada watikah disertakan sekali sebagai perjanjian. Mengikut trend semasa (chewah), ada juga pasangan membuat proses bertunang ini sekali pada hari pernikahan, juga untuk menjimatkan masa dan wang. :)

- di antara ini, anda boleh mengambil Kursus Pra-perkahwinan yang telah disediakan oleh Jabatan Agama Islam di negeri-negeri anda!-

- Jangan lupa cari Tok Kadi & reserve!-

-anda juga dikehendaki mengisi borang permohonan bernikah & memberitahu tarikh, sediakan gambar passport (bertudung bagi wanita), nama wali & sijil kahwin wali, nama orang yang akan menikahkan, etc. Borang boleh didapati di Jabatan Agama Islam. -

Fourth, Nikah. Saat yang dinanti-nantikan!! XD Nabes oi time tok! Tapi in my kes, sik nabes, tp sakit hati...hahaha...because of Mak Andam yang melarikan diri di saat akhir. Proses tok memerlukan Mas Kahwin mengikut Jabatan Agama Islam Sarawak berjumlah RM120 atau mengikut jumlah yang diminta oleh pengantin perempuan, 2 bentuk cincin (kalau lelaki takde cincin pun takpe), balance of the wang hantaran jika ada, barang hantaran jika ada, dan...yang paling penting!! Segala dokumen-dokumen seperti Kad pengenalan diri, sijil kursus Pra-perkahwinan, etc. Borang nikah anda akan dibawa oleh Tok Kadi. Wali mesti ada. Jangan lupa sediakan 2 orang saksi dari pihak lelaki, dan dua orang saksi dari pihak perempuan. Sediakan wang saguhati untuk Tok Kadi & saksi-saksi. Majlis makan-makan & doa selamat diusulkan sejurus selepas selesainya proses pernikahan.

Fifth, Persandingan. Persandingan boleh dibuat bila-bila masa sahaja selepas majlis pernikahan berlaku. Be it right after the Nikah ceremony, or the next day, or even a month or few months ahead. :) Majlis ini dilakukan untuk mengumumkan yang si pengantin tok tek dah mengikat tali perkahwinan untuk mengelakkan buah mulut jahat dan penangan laser-laser orang yang suka molah fitnah. Usually diraikan dua kali untuk kedua-dua pihak, atas sekali lagi, trend baru yang lebih jimat duit dan masa, 'berjemuk' (adakah ayat ini di-derive-kan daripada perkataan majmuk?) iaitu berkongsi majlis di satu tempat yang sama. Adat yang selalu dibuat pada proses ini adalah bersanding di pelamin, membaca doa, makan 'nasi temuan', potong cake or nasi pulut, bertepung-tawar, dan etc...


Dalam kelima-lima proses diatas, si bakal pengantin lelaki selalunya sik pergi skali dalam proses 1 - 3. Orang padah, sik manis dipandang...tang macam terhegeh-hegeh... another reason bak kata my mom...kelak dah basik! :P So, simpan everything time Nikah jak la...

Next post? My budget nikah as requested by the same person. :P

Monday, February 21, 2011

testing from blogger-droid

Hmmm... it seems that i cant check the dashboard & the blog here. Only posting stuff. Might uninstall this again. :/
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Burung oh Burung!

Last night, when my husband and i want to grab a late dinner, i caught a glimpse of a bird 'standing' in front of our neighbour's parking lot. And i told my husband about how weird it is to have a bird standing there nicely in front of people especially at night.
When we got back home...i saw the same bird, hid itself behind some paint barrels at the same place. So we brought it back upstairs and gave it some rice & grains with clean water and put it in a box with cloth. It looked kinda exhausted.

Then, this morning it disappeared! It was weird because there was no open doors or windows. After awhile when i'm about to wash something, i was shocked to see the bird flapped its' wings out from the kitchen sink.

Yada yada yada...managed to snap a few pictures and posted them up on Facebook to know what species the bird is, and what kind of food do they eat.

Made some research from Google, hubby said it probably a Common Bulbul, but nope! It didn't look the same...maybe a different kind of Bulbul? It does look like a Richard's Pipit anyway, but with darker accent at the head, back, feet and tail. And the chest part really look like normal House Pipit.

From the way it flew, i guess either the legs are broken or maybe problem inside tummy? Haha~ i really don't know! But it can't fly high, and the legs are kinda weak to grab something slippery (but it grabbed my hands quite strong), sometimes even turtled over.

So, we just left it wander around the kitchen with the window and door opened...Sometimes it sang...maybe after hearing other birds outside...Maybe its' family were looking for it. :/
It went to perch on the high boxes, on the cabinet, on the plates, and even on the Sushi King teacups!

Then it tried to fly again around the living room and knocked itself to the window-door panel. Ouch! And it 'peng-ed' on the floor for a few seconds. D: Poor bird!
It was quite scared with humans i guess. When i tried to hold it in my hands, it was kinda crying as if i'm going to do something bad. :(
So i just leave it in front of the kitchen's door and let it see the outside.

Took a few pictures again for references because i really don't know what type of bird it is.
Maybe it's a local bird, or maybe an immigrant? Called Grandma up and told her the preferences (Grandma really likes birds and own lots of them before) and she said it might be a "Pipit Belanda" as what the orang kampung always called them.

It was quite a photogenic one i must say! Very handsome! And sometimes remind me of an eagle's proud face. But at some angle it look kinda angry. *Angry Birds joke*

How the body look like...

This guy really likes to strike a pose.

The chest pattern. Sorry, picture quite blur. See the feet? Looks bengkok kan?

The side wings.

Upper part : head, beak, eyes, feathers.

The legs.

The back & tail part.

So yeah...we just left it there...spent some times watching husband playing 'Heavy Rain' on PS3, and when i looked at the kitchen door, the bird was gone! Tried to find it again...but this time i guess it really managed to fly back home. *is trying to be optimistic*
i really hope that bird will be okay and healthy again, InsyaAllah. :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011



i am so addicted with the song called "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri.
Was poisoned by Zati but she introduced the cover by Sam Tsui first. Sam's vocal is amazing, but the song really a great match with Christina's vocal - clear message, deep, emotional, and dark.
Well, i still haven't finish loading the youtube video of this song yet due to the super slow Streamyx in Sibu! So those who have great speed of internet connection, have fun and enjoy the song and video! :)

Gonna sing this in! XD

Here is my crappy recording: Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts (Videl's cover) at

Got the guitar chords as well! But i suck in playing Bm & F# especially when you have to change it to D or EM. D:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kyan!me 2011 Cosplay plans

For 2 days event (June 13- 14th):

  • Overall
  • Glasses
  • Sneakers
  • T-shirt
  • Cap
  • Poop

Outfit 1
  • Dress
  • Lolita shoes
  • Bloomer
  • Fluffy petticoat
  • Knee high stockings
  • Headdress
  • Neko ears
Outfit 2
  • Mieko costume
  • Waraji
  • Tabi socks
  • Neko ears

My aim for this year’s cosplay plan:
  1. Cheaper price/low budget
  2. Something that can be cosplayed in case i gotten pregnant. :)
  3. Easy Cosplay groups that even newbies can join in!

Anyway, can you guys guess what characters that i chose? :P

Si dia berbaju melayu...

Wahahaha! Hari ini En. Suami berbaju melayu lengkap dengan songketnya! Rupa-rupanya, ada function 'pecah tanah' yang dirasmikan oleh Pehin Sri kita... :P Lepas breakfast je terus nak keluar konon takut lambat...sbb tumpang kereta Izan (colleague + jiran). Sempat juak aku nanyak, "Kitak sik pakey songkok kah??". Dirik diam ajak...cuz nyatok nang sik suka bersongkok apatah lagik pakey baju, aku penah juak nyelaknya, "aoklah...kelak kmk polah baju arab pakey kitak...hari2 ktk pakey ok?". Senyum jak diriknya tek oi...

Sik sampey beberapa minit nya kuar dari rumah...baruk nak dudok ke sofa aku tek...lalu berbunyi henpon ku... "Alo sayang? Tolong campak songkok kmk ke dibah lok??". Ahahahahaha!!! Aku dah padaahhhh!!! Tok majlis rasmi bah...mesti full outfit! Mesti kawan nya tek negor ne tuju songkoknya sik dipakey... Entingal juak... XD

Sengih-sengih jak diriknya di dibah nunggu songkok (mek orang diam di tingkat 2).
Even though nya sik suka pakey baju melayu, tapi aku suka nangganya pakey baju melayu!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Look!


Like the title above, we have new look here~!

Apa tek...background lamak ku dah ilang...maybe Shabby Designs dah buang image ya...
Well, i wish i can do more especially on the header...but since my CSS skills suck, so tandah jak lah ok?

Since Zati mentioned this in twitter:
"@ lol. In that case. Oke. So. Tweet more and update ur blog once in a while"

So, okay! Hehe~~
What i've been up to in the past? *Reads back the old posts to refresh her mind*
Oh the last post, i've been offered to work on Xmas day...but i have to reject that offer. Yeah, mainly because of the time constraint thus the salary vs the fees that i have to pay to go back to Kuching. But that's not it, on last CNY, as usual...Wendy contacted me again. This time i accepted the offer because it's not a last minute offer so that i can book my flight earlier.

So...then i worked for DKNY/ Tommy Hilfiger/ Lab Series/ Aramis/ Sean John Fragrance & Skincare counter at Parkson, tHe Spring solely for 5 days (2nd - 6th February), met new friends; Fars and Juan, lunch and dine with my girlfriends *ahem - ya, anda tahu siapa anda* (and 2 guys), met a Japanese customer where i PHAILED my nihongo (whacks own head - DAMN!), carried a boy toddler who ran into my counter because he was scared with the 'Lions' from the Lion Dance, get to know the latest news of my once-a-year colleagues (darn, Surayah is getting hotter!), and other stuff...
But...i've learnt that i can't stand that much longer anymore unlike the previous years...backache, sakit kaki, etc... Sigh...the signs of getting older are obvious!

But, Alhamdulillah~!! i managed to get RM10,845 sales. If only i can get another customer to buy something worth RM155...then i can get RM11k sales! This year i also cannot beat my last year's sales of RM13k. :( But then, again...Alhamdulillah... because the sales are really meant for me...more sales mean more commission i can least i can earn my pocket money...can't really ask Hubby to buy me stuff ne? :P

Anyway, talking bout new friends...these 2 lovely young ladies are part-time promoter as well. Farsilla & Juanita (kacak ada jak nama sidak tok, dahlah duak-duak pun jelitawan!) they asked for my FB, but didn't hear any news about them. Hehe...most probably they're busy with exams and university stuff. Wish that they'll graduate in flying colours! And oh! Fars pun nak kawen soon, so...Congratulations!! XD Hopefully she won't be panicky & turn into bridezilla like i did~! :P

And for Zati & Achie, thank you sooooo much for buang masa neman me makan...hahaha~!!
That's all for now...signing out! *winks*